The suppressor is ready for proper operation when the ion exchange membranes and mesh absorb water and swell (hydrated).
Hydrate the suppressor in the following cases:
• When the suppressor is used for the first time
• When the inside of the suppressor is dry
• When the suppressor is started by mistake without liquid passing through it
1. Make sure that the system is plumbed as in the figure below. At this time, remove the column and connect the coupling.
2. From the initial screen of CDD-10Avp, press the [back] key twice and then set [SUP1 ON/OFF], a setting for synchronization of the suppressor current with the pump, to "0:OFF".
3. Purge the pump with pure water, and pass it through the suppressor at a flow rate of 1 mL/min for 5 minutes.
4. Stop the pump and leave the suppressor as it is for 20 minutes so that the ion exchange membranes of the suppressor are completely hydrated.
Remove the tubes of the suppressor and then perform the hydrating operation.
1. Through the adapter of the supplied REGEN.IN connection tube, from the REGEN.IN port, pass 5 mL of pure water through the suppressor.
2. Connect the supplied 1 mL disposable syringe to the ELUENT.IN port, and pass 5 mL of pure water through the suppressor.
3. Leave the suppressor as it is for 20 minutes so that the ion exchange membranes of the suppressor are completely hydrated.