• No : 3805
  • Date of Issue : 2020/12/02 16:43
  • Last Updated : 2020/12/04 18:40
  • Print

Error Code:[0x8003]

Error Message: The pumping was stopped because the pressure was higher than maximum pressure on the system. Check System P.Max setting.
Category : 


«Main Cause»
Solvent delivery was stopped because the pressure exceeded the system upper pressure limit value.
Change the system upper pressure limit value ([System P.Max]) to an appropriate value or reduce the solvent delivery flowrate. If there are no setting problems, then inspect for flow channel blockage.
For example, in the case of LC-20AD (Maximum pressure: 40MPa) and SIL-20A (Maximum pressure: 20MPa) system, P.MAX of LC-20AD can be set to 30MPa, but if it exceeds 20MPa, [System P.Max] error will occur.
Check the [System P.Max] setting in the system controller configuration settings.