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  • No : 10688
  • Date of Issue : 2024/09/30 09:33
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(LC Column) General method for washing normal phase column

General method for washing normal phase column

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->Do not flush water.  Please refer to the column instruction manual for solvent types that can pass through.
->When using a non-aqueous mobile phase in the analysis, do not flush water when cleaning the equipment.
->Although alcohol has a high cleaning ability for normal phase columns, avoid using alcohol as a cleaning solution unless alcohol is used in the mobile phase. (If alcohol remains in the column, the retention time changes and cannot be returned to the original state.).
->The dissolution power in normal phase chromatography is shown below. Moving to the right increases the dissolution power in normal phase chromatography.
Hexane < dichloromethane < ethyl acetate < tetrahydrofuran < 2-propanol, ethanol < methanol

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