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Frequently Referenced FAQ

FAQ within [ Autograph(AG) ]

41-50 of Total 100

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  • (EZ-Test) Attaching Specimens

    1. Attaching the Specimen CAUTION: Make sure the specimen does not hit the lower grip during jog operations. 1) Insert the specimen at the center of t... Show Detail

    • No:7695
    • Date of Issue:2022/01/20 10:55
    • Category: EZ-Test Series
  • (AGS-X) Attaching a Tensile Test Jig

    « Attaching the Upper grip (Non-shift Wedge Type Grips, Screw Type Flat Grips» 1. Screw the tensile joint intothe buttom surface of theload cell. 2.Inser... Show Detail

    • No:7994
    • Date of Issue:2022/01/20 09:24
    • Category: AGS-X Series
    • Brached FAQ
  • (EZ-Test) Attaching a Tensile Test Jig

    « Attaching the Upper grip (Non-shift Wedge Type Grips, Screw Type Flat Grips» 1. Screw the tensile joint intothe buttom surface of theload cell. 2.I... Show Detail

    • No:7693
    • Date of Issue:2022/01/20 09:24
    • Category: EZ-Test Series
    • Brached FAQ
  • (AGS-X) Alarm Log

    The main frame stores the alarms have occurred in the last 20 times. The alarm log displays in order fromthe latest. • Pressing the jog button allows... Show Detail

    • No:7941
    • Date of Issue:2022/01/20 09:08
    • Category: AGS-X Series
  • (EZ-Test) Alarm Log

    The main frame stores the alarms have occurred in the last 20 times. The alarm log displays in order fromthe latest. • Pressing the jog button allows... Show Detail

    • No:7691
    • Date of Issue:2022/01/20 09:08
    • Category: EZ-Test Series
  • (AGS-X) Alarm Display / Alarm Code

    If an alarm occurs in the AGS-X unit , an alarm sound i s emitted and the alarm screen flashes. Tocancel the alarm, eliminate the cause and press the [STO... Show Detail

    • No:7943
    • Date of Issue:2022/01/19 14:58
    • Category: AGS-X Series
  • (EZ-Test) Alarm Display / Alarm Code

    If an alarm occurs in theEZ-X unit , an alarm sound i s emitted and the alarm screen flashes. Tocancel the alarm, eliminate the cause and press the [STOP]... Show Detail

    • No:7676
    • Date of Issue:2022/01/19 14:58
    • Last Updated:2022/01/21 12:40
    • Category: EZ-Test Series
  • (EZ-Test) Safety Systems

    Once upper and lower mechanical crosshead limits are set, this feature force stops the crossheadby shutting OFF th e motor drive power if the crosshead excee... Show Detail

    • No:7674
    • Date of Issue:2022/01/19 14:39
    • Category: EZ-Test Series
    • Brached FAQ
  • (EZ-Test) Attaching Load Cells

    1. Switch the EZ-X power OFF. 2. Remove any jigs attached to the load cell. 3. Loosen the two fastener screws on the CAL ca ble conn ector on the right sid... Show Detail

    • No:7669
    • Date of Issue:2022/01/19 13:22
    • Category: EZ-Test Series
    • Brached FAQ
  • (AGS-X) Calibrating Test Force (E-CAL)

    Electronically calibrates (E-CAL) the test force. Calibrating the test force with E-CAL usesprecision resistors built into the calibration cable to apply a s... Show Detail

    • No:7936
    • Date of Issue:2022/01/19 13:10
    • Category: AGS-X Series

41-50 of Total 100

This site uses the FAQ system "PKSHA FAQ", which is a product of PKSHA Communication Inc.