• No : 7882
  • Date of Issue : 2022/01/24 15:11
  • Print

(LCMS) Mass-it Function, which Detects the Effective Mass from the MS Scan Data, Evaluates it for Coelution, and Overlays it on the UV Chromatogram

(LCMS) Mass-it Function, which Detects the Effective Mass from the MS Scan Data, Evaluates it for Coelution, and Overlays it on the UV Chromatogram
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This content is for LCMS-2050.
Mass-it functionality is used to automatically detect masses applicable for data analysis in MS scan data and then automatically determine whether those masses coeluted. In addition, that mass and coelution information can be overlaid on UV chromatograms obtained with the LC detector, so that components corresponding to each peak in the UV chromatogram can be easily analyzed.
That means the presence of components detected only by an MS detector, without detection in the UV chromatogram, can also be determined in the UV chromatogram view.
To enable Mass-it, open a data file in the [MS Data Acquisition] window and then click [Qualitative]-[Peak Integration] on the menu. In the [Select Chromatogram] sub-window, select the [TIC] checkbox and then click [OK] to run Mass-it. Alternatively, it can also be automatically executed at the same time as realtime batch acquisition. For more details, refer to Analyzing MS Data at the Same Time as Realtime Batch Acquisition.
Click here for "(LCMS) Analyzing MS Data at the Same Time as Realtime Batch Acquisition".
In the [MS Data Acquisition] window, a mass chromatogram (MC) is displayed in the [Chromatogram View] based on information about automatically detected masses.
Information about automatically detected peaks is registered in the Peak Table in [Results View].
Automatically detected peaks are displayed with “X” (automatically detected peak) or “X.C” (peak that was automatically detected and judged to have coeluted) in [Mark].
HINT: If qualitative peak integration is executed manually for the m/z that is the same as the m/z that Mass-it automatically detected, it is displayed separately on another row in the Peak Table. 
If the user right-clicks on [UV Chromatogram] or [PDA Chromatogram] and then clicks [Overlay mass information] on the menu that is displayed, automatically detected mass information is displayed on the UV chromatogram.
The triangle mark represents the retention time until the m/z ion was detected, and the triangle mark of the peak judged to have coeluted is displayed in yellow.

HINT: If TIC peaks or the MC was not detected properly, refer to Recommended Settings for Peak Integration Parameters.
  Click here for "(LCMS) Recommended Settings for Peak Integration Parameters".
HINT: On the [Mass-it] tab page, the user can set whether or not to automatically run Mass-it functionality when qualitative peak integration is executed for TICs.