• No : 3570
  • Date of Issue : 2020/12/02 16:30
  • Print

Error Code:[0x0092] ERR LEAK DETECT

Error Message: Leak error is detected.
Category : 


«Main Cause»
Concentration of organic phase vapor inside the unit has exceeded the leak sensor actuation level.
Check for liquid leakage from the following locations.
(1) Injection port. If liquid is leaking from the injection port, replace the needle seal.
(2) Valve piping joint. If liquid is leaking from the valve piping joint, re-tighten the piping, or, replace the piping and the joint parts with new parts.
(3) Sample loop. If liquid is leaking from the sample loop, replace with new parts.
(4) Leak sensor sensitivity adjustment. If the leak sensor is over-responding, calibrate the sensor, and re-adjust the threshold value.
If the above procedure does not remedy the problem, contact a Shimadzu sales or service representative.