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  • No : 8628
  • Date of Issue : 2022/04/28 14:32
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(SMX-1010/1020) The X-RAY ON/OFF button remains gray and X-ray irradiation cannot be started even when the button is clicked

(SMX-1010/1020) The X-RAY ON/OFF button remains gray and X-ray irradiation cannot be started even when the button is clicked
Category : 


If the condition does not improve even after performing Action 1 - 3, contact a Shimadzu sales or service representative.
Cause1: Is the front door completely closed?
Action1: Close the front door completely.
Cause2: Is the maintenance door completely closed?
Action2: Close the maintenance door completely.
Cause3: Is the instrument in offline mode?
Action3: Restart the control software and complete the pre-operation check.
  The instrument can be used in normal mode after the pre-operation check is complete.

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