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Check the Audit Trail Log in Method Files, Batch Files and Report Format Files (LabSolutions DB/CS)
Check the Audit Trail Log in Method Files, Batch Files and Report Format Files
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The history of changes stored in the metadata files (method/batch/report format files), can be reviewed in the [Audit Trail Log] sub-window.
1. Click [Audit Trail Log] on the [File] menu in the [Data Acquisition] window.
2. Check the modified location, contents and reasons for the change.
(1) Click the a row in the [Version/ Date & Time/User Name] list to display the change history.
The details of the changes are displayed in the [Modified/Contents] list.
(2) Click a row in the [Modified/Contents] list to display the reasons for the change.
(3) If reasons for the change were entered it is displayed in the [Reasons of the Change] box.
If multiple modifications were made, repeat step 2, to review the reasons for all of the changes.
(4) Repeat steps 1 through 3 to review multiple versions.
The details of the changes are displayed in the [Modified/Contents] list.
(2) Click a row in the [Modified/Contents] list to display the reasons for the change.
(3) If reasons for the change were entered it is displayed in the [Reasons of the Change] box.
If multiple modifications were made, repeat step 2, to review the reasons for all of the changes.
(4) Repeat steps 1 through 3 to review multiple versions.
NOTE: Click [Print] in the [Audit Trail Log] sub-window to print the logs.
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