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Audit Trail Log of Data File (LabSolutions DB/CS)
Audit Trail Log of Data File
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This section describes the procedure for checking the audit trail log saved in the data files from the [Data Analysis] window.
1. Click [Audit Trail Log] on the [File] menu in the [Data Analysis] window.
2. Check the modified location, contents and reasons for change.
(1) Click the a row in the [Version/ Date & Time/User Name] list to display the change history.
The details of the changes are displayed in the [Modified/Contents] list.
(2) Click a row in the [Modified/Contents] list to display the reasons for the change.
(3) If reasons for the change were entered it is displayed in the [Reasons of the Change] box.
If multiple modifications were made, repeat step 2, to review the reasons for all of the changes.
(4) Repeat steps (1) through (3) to review multiple versions.
The details of the changes are displayed in the [Modified/Contents] list.
(2) Click a row in the [Modified/Contents] list to display the reasons for the change.
(3) If reasons for the change were entered it is displayed in the [Reasons of the Change] box.
If multiple modifications were made, repeat step 2, to review the reasons for all of the changes.
(4) Repeat steps (1) through (3) to review multiple versions.
NOTE: Click [Print] in the [Audit Trail Log] sub-window to print the logs.
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