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  • No : 5930
  • Date of Issue : 2021/05/18 15:36
  • Last Updated : 2021/06/08 11:00
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COL CRG use time warning [Error Code:9000]

Exceeded the set threshold of CRG coolant consumption (Operating Time).
Category : 


Replace the coolant and then reset the counter.
<GC instrument monitor setting>
Press HOME button > [Function] > [Diagnosis] > [Coolant Consumption],
and then display [Coolant Consumption] screen and reset the consumption (min). 
<Labsolutions setting> 
Press [System Check]> [Reset Consumables] on the assistant bar, and reset the consumption time (min) from the [Reset] button. 
The coolant consumption time depends on the gas cylinder volume and the
temperature settings. Set the threshold according to the analysis conditions.
Perform analysis and check the actual coolant consumption before you set the

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