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  • No : 5263
  • Date of Issue : 2021/03/26 11:11
  • Last Updated : 2022/07/08 09:05
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(AA) Emergency Action

(AA) Emergency Action (AA-7800/7000 series)
[In an Emergency][Event of a Power Outage][Event of a Lightning Strike][When Gas Leakage Is Detected]
Category : 


[In an Emergency]
Take the following actions in case of emergency or when an abnormality occurs in the atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
Inspect the equipment before using it again and contact your Shimadzu representative if necessary.
1. Turn OFF the power switch of the atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
  Even if measurement is in progress, the burner flame can be safely extinguished by turning the power switch OFF.
2. Turn OFF all the power switches of accessories.
3. Close the main valves of the gas supply pipings for acetylene, air and nitrous oxide.
4. Close the main valve of the cooling water and argon supply piping.
5. Shut OFF the power supply.
  • Turn OFF the switchboard when the power cable is fixed to the switchboard with screws.
  • Disconnect the power cable when the power cable is connected with the plug.
  « AA-7800 series »
  « AA-7000 series »
[Measures in the Event of a Power Outage]
When a power outage has occurred, take the following measures.
1. Stop the supply of acetylene gas promptly.
2. Turn OFF the power switches at the AA main unit and all options.
3. Open the windows and doors of the room in which the instrument is installed for ventilation.
4. Check that there is nothing that could ignite acetylene gas in the room.
5. After restoring the power supplies, check "Installation Precautions" and "Precautions on Work and Operation" on instruction manual and then start the instrument as normal.
If the instrument does not start up, request your Shimadzu representative to inspect it.
[Measures in the Event of a Lightning Strike]
If a large fluctuation in the power supply voltage is experienced momentarily as the result, for example, of the
electricity transmission system being struck by lightning, some of the functions are shut off in order to protect the instrument. As a result, the communication between AA main unit and PC is stopped. In this case, take the following measures.
1. Stop the supply of acetylene gas promptly.
2. Turn OFF the power switches at the AA main unit and all options.
3. Open the windows and doors of the room in which the instrument is installed for ventilation.
4. Check that there is nothing that could ignite acetylene gas in the room.
5. After restoring the power supplies, check "Installation Precautions" and "Precautions on Work and Operation" on instruction manual and then start the instrument as normal.
If the instrument does not start up, request your Shimadzu representative to inspect it.
[Measures When Gas Leakage Is Detected]Execute [Start Leak Check] on the [Initialize] dialog box or select [Instrument] - [Gas Leak Check] from the menu, and a gas leak inspection lasting approximately 8 minutes will be performed automatically.
WARNING: If a gas leak is detected, stop using the instrument immediately.
  The leaked gas could be ignited, causing fire.
  If a gas leak is detected, the following message is displayed at the moment of detection.
  NOTE: In the software figure below, the back color etc. may differ depending on the OS etc.
If a gas leak is detected, stop using the instrument immediately and take the following measures.
1. Stop the supply of acetylene gas promptly.
2. Turn OFF the power switches at the AA main unit and all options.
3. Open the windows and doors of the room in which the instrument is installed for ventilation.
4. Check that there is nothing that could ignite acetylene gas in the room.
5. Request your Shimadzu representative to inspect the instrument.
If no gas leak is detected as the result of the gas leakage inspection, the following message is displayed after the elapse of approximately 8 minutes, and from this point on it will be possible to ignite the flame.
NOTE: In the following cases the result of the gas leakage inspection is [NG] and it will not be possible to ignite the flame.
  • Gas was not being supplied at the start of the inspection.
  • The inspection was stopped part way through.

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