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  • No : 4708
  • Date of Issue : 2020/12/17 16:03
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(GCMS) Vacuum System Auto Startup Errors

(GCMS) Vacuum System Auto Startup Errors
Category : 


Cause 1: Does Rotary Pump1 (RP1) operate?
Action 1: Connect the RP1 power cable to the back panel of the MS, and turn on the RP1 switch.
Cause 2: Turbo pump problem.
Action 2: When the Turbo pump does not start even though low vacuum is less than 300 Pa, contact a Shimadzu sales or service representative.
Cause 3: Is the RP1 oil at the proper level?
Action 3: Adjust RP1 oil level.
Cause 4: Vacuum leaks
Action 4: Check for vacuum leaks.
  Click here for Checking for Leaks.
Vacuum system not automatically restored after power failure.
Action 1: Automatic restart will not occur. Click here for Measurres durriing Powerr Outtage.
Action 2: Vacuum system was already off during the power failure.

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