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  • No : 4699
  • Date of Issue : 2020/12/11 09:54
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(GCMS) Filament Replacement Procedure

(GCMS) Filament Replacement Procedure
Category : 


Parts Number: 225-10340-91  FILAMENT D ASSY
0. Filaments are located at two places, at the top and the bottom.
  Top filament: filament #1
  Bottom filament: filament #2

  The following describes the procedure for replacing filament #1.
  The procedure for replacing filament #2 is the same.

1. Be sure to perform 1) to 3) before starting maintenance.
  1) Automatically stop the GC/MS. Wait until the "system shutdown" message appears.
  2) Close GCMSsolution.
  3) Turn the POWER switch on the rear of the instrument OFF.
2. Turn the knob to open the front door.
3. Gently draw out the top sockets (2 pcs) using the tweezers and bring the wiring to the left side.
  NOTE: Wear clean gloves when performing maintenance. Be sure to wipe off any dirt from the tools used for maintenance using gauze moistened with acetone.
  NOTE: After removing parts, place them on gauze, for example, to prevent them from becoming dirty.
4. After Drawing Out the 2 Top Sockets (Enclosed Part in Photo)
5. Loosen the filament fixing nut using a regular screwdriver.
6. Remove the nut using tweezers.
7. After Removing the Filament Fixing Nut
8. Remove filament #1 using tweezers.
9. Prepare a new filament.
10. Attach new filament #1 using tweezers.
11. Install the filament fixing nut, and tighten with a regular screwdriver.
12. Fit the sockets (2 pcs) into the specified locations. Firmly fit in the sockets as far as they can go.
  Check the wiring to see that it is not short-circuiting.
13. Check the O-ring (pink arrow) or O-ring contacting surface (blue arrow) of the vacuum container to make sure they are free of dirt.
14. Close the front door, and completely turn the knob as far as it can go.
15. Turn the POWER switch on the rear of the instrument ON to start up the instrument.
16. Start up the [GCMS Real Time Analysis] program and click the [Detail] button at the instrument monitor.
17. Click the [Consumable] tab in the [Monitor Settings] sub-window, and click [Reset Consumables].
  1) In the [Reset Consumables] sub-window, enter "0" for the time of the newly replaced filament (in this example, filament #1).
  2) Click the [OK] button.

    Click [OK] in the [Monitor Settings] sub-window to close it.


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