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  • No : 3880
  • Date of Issue : 2020/12/02 16:44
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Error Code:[0x0061] ERROR LEAK DETECTED

Error Message: Autosampler: Leak sensor detected a leak. Check leakage of liquid from the flow line, such as the tubing connecting, and wipe off any liquid accumulated on the tray in the cabinet.
Category : 


«Main Cause»
Leakage occurred from a tubing joint or valve gap.
Check the following locations for leakage.
・If there is leakage from the injection port, replace the needle seal.
・If there is leakage from a valve tubing joint, tighten the tubing or replace the tubing and joint with new parts.
・If there is leakage from the sample loop, replace it with a new part.
・If the sensitivity adjustment leak sensor for the leak sensor responds too sensitively, calibrate the sensor and readjust the threshold value.
If the above measures do not resolve the problem, switch the instrument power OFF and contact a Shimadzu sales or service representative.

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