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  • No : 3613
  • Date of Issue : 2020/12/02 16:30
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Error Code:[0x85DA] ERR CATCH RACK

Error Message: Rack changer failed to grasp the specified rack.
Category : 


«Main Cause»
An error occurred while a rack is being taken out.
The plate has fallen while it is being loaded or dew condensation water gathers in large quantity between the rack and the stack, requiring a force greater than usual for removing a rack from the stack.
If the plate has fallen, open the top panel and return the plate to the original position.
If dew condensation water gathers, wipe water off the rack and the stack, set the rack and the stack again, and turn OFF and ON the power to the instrument.
If the error occurs persistently, turn OFF the power and contact a Shimadzu sales or service representative.

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