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Frequently Referenced FAQ

FAQ within [ Fraction Collector ]

1-7 of Total 7

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  • Error Code:[0x0026]

    «Main Cause» The fraction collector starting vial number ([I.VIAL]) or ending vial number ([F.VIAL]) setting is out of range for the given rack. «Countermea... Show Detail

    • No:3825
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/02 16:43
  • Error Code:[0x8F02]

    «Main Cause» Liquid leakage has been detected. «Countermeasure» (1) Remove the plastic tray or metal tray, and wipe the liquid accumulated on the leakage tr... Show Detail

    • No:3684
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/02 16:31
  • Error Code:[0x8F01]

    «Main Cause» No empty vial in the fraction collector. «Countermeasure» (1) Fraction collector has used up to the final vial. Check the final vial (F.VIAL) s... Show Detail

    • No:3683
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/02 16:31
  • Error Code:[0x0024]

    «Main Cause» attempt was made to use an unregistered rack. «Countermeasure» Set rack number properly. Show Detail

    • No:3574
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/02 16:30
  • Error Code:[0x0022]

    «Main Cause» Motor in Z direction (up and down) slipped. «Countermeasure» Turn the power OFF and check if the arm is in contact with something. Show Detail

    • No:3573
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/02 16:30
  • Error Code:[0x0021]

    «Main Cause» Motor in Y direction (front and back) slipped. «Countermeasure» Turn the power OFF and check if the arm is in contact with something. Show Detail

    • No:3572
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/02 16:30
  • Error Code:[0x0020]

    «Main Cause» Motor in X direction (right and left) slipped. «Countermeasure» Turn the power OFF and check if the arm is in contact with something. Show Detail

    • No:3571
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/02 16:30

1-7 of Total 7

This site uses the FAQ system "PKSHA FAQ", which is a product of PKSHA Communication Inc.