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Frequently Referenced FAQ

FAQ within [ Autosampler ]

61-70 of Total 297

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  • Error Code:[0x5274] ERROR PCG PLATE SET

    «Main Cause» A separate sample plate was placed in the stack where the plate in the autosampler was previously placed. «Countermeasure» Check the sample plate. Show Detail

    • No:3997
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/02 16:45
  • Error Code:[0x5273] ERROR PCG PLATE BACK

    «Main Cause» The arm chuck cannot release the sample plate. «Countermeasure» Restart the instrument. Show Detail

    • No:3996
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/02 16:45
  • Error Code:[0x5272] ERROR PCG CHUCK CLOSE

    «Main Cause» Something is obstructing the arm's line of movement or there is mechanical problem in the drive unit. «Countermeasure» Check for any obstructio... Show Detail

    • No:3995
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/02 16:45
  • Error Code:[0x5271] ERROR PCG CHUCK OPEN

    «Main Cause» Something is obstructing the arm's line of movement or there is mechanical problem in the drive unit. «Countermeasure» Check for any obstructio... Show Detail

    • No:3994
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/02 16:45
  • Error Code:[0x5270] ERROR PCG CHUCK HOME

    «Main Cause» Something is obstructing the arm's line of movement or there is mechanical problem in the drive unit. «Countermeasure» Check for any obstructio... Show Detail

    • No:3993
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/02 16:44
  • Error Code:[0x526F] ERROR PCG Y SLIP

    «Main Cause» Something is obstructing the arm's line of movement or there is mechanical problem in the drive unit. «Countermeasure» Check for any obstructio... Show Detail

    • No:3992
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/02 16:44
  • Error Code:[0x526E] ERROR PCG Y HOME

    «Main Cause» Something is obstructing the arm's line of movement or there is mechanical problem in the drive unit. «Countermeasure» Check for any obstructio... Show Detail

    • No:3991
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/02 16:44
  • Error Code:[0x526D] ERROR PCG Z SLIP

    «Main Cause» Something is obstructing the arm's line of movement or there is mechanical problem in the drive unit. «Countermeasure» Check for any obstructio... Show Detail

    • No:3990
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/02 16:44
  • Error Code:[0x526C] ERROR PCG Z HOME

    «Main Cause» Something is obstructing the arm's line of movement or there is mechanical problem in the drive unit. «Countermeasure» Check for any obstructio... Show Detail

    • No:3989
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/02 16:44
  • Error Code:[0x526B] ERROR PCG THETA SLIP

    «Main Cause» Something is obstructing the arm's line of movement or there is mechanical problem in the drive unit. «Countermeasure» Check for any obstructio... Show Detail

    • No:3988
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/02 16:44

61-70 of Total 297

This site uses the FAQ system "PKSHA FAQ", which is a product of PKSHA Communication Inc.