• No : 7848
  • Date of Issue : 2022/01/24 12:53
  • Print

(LCMS) Specifying a Range for a Realtime Batch

(LCMS) Specifying a Range for a Realtime Batch
Category : 


Given default settings, batches are processed in order, starting with the first row, but batch processing can also be started from a specified intermediate row.
1. Click on the row number cell for the starting row in the batch table. While holding down the [Shift] key, click on the ending row to select the batch start-finish range.
2. On the [Realtime Batch] assistant bar, click the [Start Realtime Batch] icon.
3. The [Select Batch Execution Range] sub-window is displayed. The batch execution range is entered in the [Selected Row] field. Click [Start] to start realtime batch acquisition for the selected range.
HINT: The range can also be specified with specific numbers skipped. While holding down the [Ctrl] key, click on batch table row numbers for rows to be skipped. In that state, execute steps 2 and 3 above.
HINT: The starting row can also be specified in batch table settings. On the [Realtime Batch] assistant bar, click the [Settings] icon. On the [General] tab page, select the [Start from #] checkbox and enter the starting row.