• No : 7844
  • Date of Issue : 2022/01/24 12:53
  • Print

(LCMS) Naming Data Files Automatically

(LCMS) Naming Data Files Automatically
Category : 


There is a function to automatically generate data file names when batch processing starts.
File names are automatically generated with the following format.
1) Names are made with selected items joined together with an "_" (underbar) inserted between each item.
2) A continuous number is appended to the file name made at step 1), according to the number assignment rule specified in the [Auto-increment Format] box.
  Note that file names are limited to 255 characters (including the folder name) according to the Windows OS specifications.
  When this checkbox is selected, the items on the [Data File Name] tab page can be set.
1. In the [Batch Table] window, click the [Settings] icon on the [Realtime Batch] or [Batch Editor] assistant bar to display the [Settings] sub-window.
2. Click the [Data File Name] tab, and select the [Create filenames automatically with] checkbox.
3. Add the items to use in the file name to the [Selected Items] area. Continuous numbers are appended in accordance with the rule specified in the [Auto-increment Format] field.
4. After the settings on the [Data File Name] tab page are complete, click [OK] to close the sub-window. Save the batch file.
  When the [Create filenames automatically with] checkbox is selected, [Data File] cells in the batch file are highlighted in yellow, and cannot be edited.