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  • No : 8069
  • Date of Issue : 2022/02/01 10:05
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(AGX-V) Usage Time/Counts

(AGX-V) Usage Time/Counts
Category : 


This instrument has the functions to always monitor time/number of times that the tester is used and notify the operator of the information to when a specified value is reached.
"Usage Time Notification Screen" is displayed when a specified value is reached. Although no urgent abnormality has occurred in the tester, the tester is at high risk of equipment failure. Contact a Shimadzu sales or service representative.
The current usage time/count can be checked, so that the operator can identify the proper timing for maintenance of the tester.
NOTE: Close the usage time notification screen to use the tester as normal; however, the tester is at high risk of equipment failure. Contact a Shimadzu sales or service representative.
HINT: The  icon is displayed in the status display area on the test screen when there is any item whose specified value is reached.
  Press the icon to display the usage time notification screen again.
« Checking Usage Time/Counts »
1. Press [Settings], and then [Usage time] in the [Info] tab on the smart controller screen.
  The current usage time/counts and the specified values for notification are displayed.
2. Use the page selector button (5) to display the notification item to check.
  (1) Displays the current status.
    Normal: There is no item that the specified value is reached.
    Run an inspection.: There is at least an item that the specified value is reached.
  (2) Item name for the usage time/count that triggers notification
  (3) The current usage time/count
    The figure is displayed in red if the specified value is reached.
  (4) Value of the specified time/count that notification is to be provided when it is reached. "Usage Time Notification Screen" is displayed when the current usage time/count reaches this specified value.
  (5) Page selector button
  (6) Used to close the screen.

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