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  • No : 7930
  • Date of Issue : 2022/01/25 11:25
  • Last Updated : 2022/01/26 10:02
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(AGS-X) Emergency (Power Failure) Measures

(AGS-X) Emergency (Power Failure) Measures
Category : 


If a malfunction occurs, such as the crosshead not stopping a burning odor being emitted, or a power failure, take the following actions.
Then inspect the system before using it again and, if neces sary, contact a Shimadzu sales or service representative.
Shutting OFF the Machine in an Emergency (Power Failure)
1) Press the emergency stop button.
2) Switch the AGS-X power OFF.
3) Disconnect the power cable from the back of the AGS-X unit .
Click here for "(AGS-X) Safety Systems"

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