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  • No : 7896
  • Date of Issue : 2022/01/24 15:40
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(LCMS) Copying the Compound Table from Another Data File

(LCMS) Copying the Compound Table from Another Data File
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To use a compound table from one data file in another data file, use the compound table import/export function.
This function is for LCMS data file.
Use the procedures below to reuse a compound table from data file A in data file B.
1. Open data file A in the [MS Data Analysis] window.
2. On the [Method] menu, click [Export Compound Table], and save the compound table as a text file.
3. Open data file B.
4. In [Method View], click [Edit].
5. Open the [Method] menu, click [Import Compound Table], and select the text file saved at step 2. The compound table is loaded.
Alternatively, the compound table can be reused by copying and pasting it.
1. Open data file A in the [MS Data Analysis] window.
2. In [Method View], click the [Compound] tab.
3. Select the row of the compound table to copy. Right-click, and on the menu, select [Copy]. To copy the entire table, select [Copy Entire Table].
4. Run the [Postrun Analysis] program again. Open data file B in the [MS Data Analysis] window.
5. In [Method View], click [Edit].
6. Click the [Compound] tab. Right-click on the bottom row of the compound table. On the menu, select [Paste].

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