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  • No : 7894
  • Date of Issue : 2022/01/24 15:36
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(LCMS) Correcting the Retention Times Manually

(LCMS) Correcting the Retention Times Manually
Category : 


The compound table must be corrected if the retention time changes because of the instrument status of the use of a column from a different lot.
If only a few compounds are registered in the compound table, the fastest way to correct the retention times is manually.
1. Display the data file in the [MS Data Analysis] window.
2. Expand the identification time width detected as a peak. In [Method View], click [Edit], and click on the [Identification] tab.
3. Increase the numerical value in the [STD RT Time] or [Identification Width] fields in the [Process Time] area. (Example: Change the index retention time from 0.5 to 2.0 min.) Then click [View] in [Method View]. Qualitative peak integration is performed automatically.
4. The retention time can be found even if the target peak’s retention time is significantly offset. If the target peak is not seen, further increase the numerical value in the [STD RT Time] or [Identification Width] fields.

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