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  • No : 7858
  • Date of Issue : 2022/01/24 13:08
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(LCMS) Editing a Batch Table during Data Acquisition

(LCMS) Editing a Batch Table during Data Acquisition
Category : 


The table editing/reopening function is used to add and delete a row to a batch table, or edit a batch table during data acquisition.
1. Click the batch table during realtime batch, and make the [Batch Table] window active. On the [Realtime Batch] assistant bar, click the [Edit Table/Restart] icon. Enter a value in the [Data acquisition will be paused at line] field, and click [OK] to enable batch table editing.
  For example, if data is being acquired for the first row of a 10 row batch, and you wish to edit the 3rd and subsequent rows, enter [3].
  Note: Data acquisition is performed up to one row before the value entered in the [Data acquisition will be paused at line] field.
2. When batch table editing is complete, on the [Realtime Batch] assistant bar, once again click the [Edit Table/Restart] icon.

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