• No : 5706
  • Date of Issue : 2021/04/28 13:54
  • Last Updated : 2022/09/20 13:58
  • Print

(EDX) Magnet analysis

I wish to perform a RoHS analysis of a neodymium magnet. Is there any problem with analyzing a magnet using the EDX?
Size of one neodymium magnet: 4mm×2mm×1mm
Number of magnets to analyze at one time: 7
Category : 


• Strongly magnetic samples cannot be measured.
• Measurement is possible if the magnetism at a distance of 7cm from the sample is 20 gauss or less.
• If possible, perform the analysis with RoHSanalysis conditions as with other samples.
• However, if the sample is plated, it is better to separate the plating and the magnet, or to quantify using the thin-film FP method.

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