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  • No : 5685
  • Date of Issue : 2021/04/28 13:33
  • Last Updated : 2021/05/20 08:49
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(EDX) Ceramic plate sample analysis in resin film

I would like to perform a RoHS analysis on a ceramic plate sample(ceramic thickness: 1mm) on which a resin film of thickness 1mm has been applied to both sides.
In this case, can the analysis proceed as far as the resin on the opposite side?
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Analysis cannot proceed as far as the resin on the opposite side.
(1) The ceramic is in the middle, so X-ray intensity from the resin on the opposite side will be significantly attenuated, making an accurate analysis impossible.
  The extent to which fluorescent X-rays can be detected from the resin on the opposite side can be determined from a theoretical intensity calculation.
(2)In RoHS analysis, if a sample with a layered structure is analyzed, even if Cd and Pb are detected, there is no way to know whether they are being detected from the resin, the ceramics, or the resin on the opposite side, so accurate quantitation is impossible.
  To perform accurate quantitation, it is necessary to analyze each material separately, under conditions suited to each material.

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