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  • No : 4149
  • Date of Issue : 2020/12/02 16:46
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Error Code:[0x528F] ERROR SYRINGE LEAK

Error Message: Autosampler: The syringe unit detected leak.
Category : 


«Main Cause»
Autosampler: The syringe unit detected leak.
Wipe off the leaking liquid and check the leaking part. If fluid is leaking from the tip of the syringe, reseat the tube connected to the syringe holder and the 3-way valve.
If fluid is leaking from the syringe plunger, reseat the syringe.
If fluid is leaking from the 3-way valve, inspect the 3-way valve rotor and stator and replace any scratches. If the error cannot be removed, turn off the instrument and contact a Shimadzu sales or service representative.

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