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  • No : 4087
  • Date of Issue : 2020/12/02 16:45
  • Last Updated : 2021/01/20 12:05
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Error Message: UV detector: Result of Automatic Wavelength at startup exceeded 1nm. The flow cell may contain an air bubble. Start pump and flush out the air bubble, and then Check the Wavelength accuracy again.
Category : 


«Main Cause»
Wavelength accuracy check failed due to either a cell installation error, a wavelength calibration error, or a sample or bubbles contained in the cell.
Pump solvent to discharge any bubbles and then perform a performance check to check wavelength accuracy.
For SPD-40 (V), [INITIAL 241nm CHK] can be set.
This function allows specifying whether to check the wavelength accuracy at 241nm during start-up. If a mobile phase with strong absorption near 241nm is used, the wavelength accuracy check can not be performed correctly. In that case, the wavelength check of 241nm can be skipped by setting it to "OFF".

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