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Frequently Referenced FAQ

FAQ within [ Xslicer SMX-6010 ]

1-10 of Total 26

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  • (SMX-6010) In an Emergency

    In case of an emergency, such as when the stage does not stop, press the EMERGENCYSTOP switch on the front of the instrument. Inspect the instrument and eli... Show Detail

    • No:8590
    • Date of Issue:2022/04/25 13:08
  • (SMX-6010) Handling a Power Outage/Abnormality

    The instrument stops when the primary power supply to the instrument is shut off orwhen the supply voltage momentarily drops due to lightning or other causes... Show Detail

    • No:8592
    • Date of Issue:2022/04/25 14:34
  • (SMX-6010) Changing the Administrator Password

    The password for changing to administrator mode can be changed. NOTE: • Use this function in administrator mode. Click here for "(SMX-6010) Switchi... Show Detail

    • No:8594
    • Date of Issue:2022/04/25 15:14
  • (SMX-6010) Switching to Administrator Mode

    The functions available in the control software differ depending on the user mode. To use functions operated in administrator mode, the administrator passwo... Show Detail

    • No:8593
    • Date of Issue:2022/04/25 15:15
  • (SMX-6010) Performing Target Rotation

    The X-ray generator irradiates an electron beam on a target in order to generate X-rays. The part of the target where the electron beam strikes (X-ray gener... Show Detail

    • No:8597
    • Date of Issue:2022/04/28 09:00
  • (SMX-6010) Adjusting the Filament Value

    Filament value adjustment is the operation in which the current that flows through thefilament is adjusted to an optimal value in order to enable the filamen... Show Detail

    • No:8598
    • Date of Issue:2022/04/28 09:20
  • (SMX-6010) Adjusting the Beam Alignment

    Beam alignment is an adjustment function for increasing image brightness. Although the beam alignment is adjusted automatically after aging at instrument st... Show Detail

    • No:8599
    • Date of Issue:2022/04/28 09:29
  • (SMX-6010) Adjusting the Focus

    Adjust the focus when the image is blurry. Use the provided "grid mesh phantom" (part No. 362-84302) when adjusting the focus. NOTE: Use this function in... Show Detail

    • No:8600
    • Date of Issue:2022/04/28 09:49
  • (SMX-6010) Performing Aging

    Follow the procedure described below when the X-ray generator requires aging. NOTE: Use this function in administrator mode. Click here for "(SMX-6010... Show Detail

    • No:8601
    • Date of Issue:2022/04/28 10:04
  • (SMX-6010) Checking the Operating Time of the Turbomolecu...

    The operating time of the turbomolecular pump and diaphragm pump can be checkedusing the [RUN TIME] indicator on the right side of the instrument. The... Show Detail

    • No:8602
    • Date of Issue:2022/04/28 10:07

1-10 of Total 26

This site uses the FAQ system "PKSHA FAQ", which is a product of PKSHA Communication Inc.