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Frequently Referenced FAQ

FAQ within [ MCE-202(MultiNA) ]

1-10 of Total 31

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  • (MCE) (ERROR)Current accuracy error

    <Typical Causes> The HV voltage monitor value has fallen outside the specified range. <Instrument Operations> The microchip that generated... Show Detail

    • No:8384
    • Date of Issue:2022/02/18 10:23
    • Last Updated:2022/02/25 15:51
  • (MCE) (ERROR)Undercurrent error

    An insufficient current value has been detected. <Typical Causes> • The microchip was clogged. • Air bubbles were mixed into the separation ch... Show Detail

    • No:8382
    • Date of Issue:2022/02/18 10:23
    • Last Updated:2022/02/25 15:57
  • (MCE) (ERROR)Overcurrent error

    An excessive current value was detected. <Typical Causes> • A short circuit was caused by leaking separation buffer or samplesolution on the mi... Show Detail

    • No:8380
    • Date of Issue:2022/02/18 10:23
  • (MCE) (ERROR)Chip # has an error

    The test current value for the chip that generated "fill check NG" was alsooutside the standard range after the separation buffer refill. <Instru... Show Detail

    • No:8378
    • Date of Issue:2022/02/18 10:16
    • Last Updated:2022/02/25 16:01
  • (MCE) (ERROR)Cannot continue Chip # is not present

    <Typical Causes> • The microchips specified in the [Chip Management] window are notproperly installed. • The sample probe is damaged. • The sensor t... Show Detail

    • No:8376
    • Date of Issue:2022/02/18 10:09
    • Last Updated:2022/02/25 16:02
  • (MCE) (ERROR)Cannot continue Sample holder is not present

    <Typical Causes> • The sample holder is not properly installed. • The sensor that detects the sample holder is broken. <Corrective Measures... Show Detail

    • No:8374
    • Date of Issue:2022/02/18 10:04
    • Last Updated:2022/02/25 16:04
  • (MCE) There is a problem with Size Accuracy

    «Analysis performancedeviates from specificationaround the lower end of the size range.» •The ladder size and target fragmentsize are too far separated fr... Show Detail

    • No:8371
    • Date of Issue:2022/02/17 15:58
    • Last Updated:2022/02/25 16:04
  • (MCE) There is a problem with peak recognition

    «Peaks other than themarker peaks arerecognized as markerpeaks.» •Another peak near the marker ismistakenly recognized as the marker. →Set the correct ... Show Detail

    • No:8369
    • Date of Issue:2022/02/17 15:58
    • Last Updated:2022/02/25 16:07
  • (MCE) Difference in peak detection sensitivity

    • The microchip surfaces arecontaminated. →If the surfaces are contaminated, rinse them. Click here for "(MCE) Inspecting and Washing Microchip Reserv... Show Detail

    • No:8367
    • Date of Issue:2022/02/17 15:51
  • (MCE) Peak does not detect

    «None of the microchipsdetect peaks for markers orsamples.» • Incorrect usage of microchips, reagent,rinse water, glass rinse water bottle, orwaste contai... Show Detail

    • No:8365
    • Date of Issue:2022/02/17 15:39

1-10 of Total 31

This site uses the FAQ system "PKSHA FAQ", which is a product of PKSHA Communication Inc.