Frequently Referenced FAQ

FAQ within [ Software ]

11-15 of Total 15

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  • New Projects (LabSolutions DB/CS)

    1. Double-click the (Project Administration) icon in the [Administration] sub-windowin the [LabSolutions Main] window. 2. Click [Add]. 3... Show Detail

    • No:7094
    • Date of Issue:2021/10/07 09:06
    • Last Updated:2022/01/21 15:10
  • Change User Settings (LabSolutions DB/CS)

    1. In the [User Administration] sub-window, double-click the user ID that needs to bechanged, or select the user and click [Edit]. 2. Make the des... Show Detail

    • No:7093
    • Date of Issue:2021/10/07 08:58
    • Last Updated:2022/01/21 15:09
  • New User Registration (LabSolutions DB/CS)

    1. Double-click the [User Administration] folder icon in the [Administration Tools] subwindowof the [LabSolutions Main] window. 2. Double click the (U... Show Detail

    • No:7092
    • Date of Issue:2021/10/07 08:56
    • Last Updated:2022/01/21 15:09
  • Edit the Operation Rights in a Group (LabSolutions DB/CS)

    1.Double-click the name of the group to change in the [Rights Group Administration] subwindow,or select the rights group and click [Edit]. 2. Add o... Show Detail

    • No:7091
    • Date of Issue:2021/10/07 08:51
    • Last Updated:2022/01/21 15:08
  • New Rights Groups (LabSolutions DB/CS)

    1.Double-click the [User Administration] folder icon in the [Administration Tools] subwindowof the [LabSolutions Main] window. 2.Double click the (Rig... Show Detail

    • No:7090
    • Date of Issue:2021/10/07 08:36
    • Last Updated:2022/01/21 15:07

11-15 of Total 15

This site uses the FAQ system "PKSHA FAQ", which is a product of PKSHA Communication Inc.