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Frequently Referenced FAQ

FAQ within [ Particle Size Analysis ]

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  • (SALD) High-Concentration Measurement Unit, Sample Creati...

    1.Sample Creation Procedure 1)Put the sample liquid between the slide glasses. CAUTION:Never use glass cells with cracks or breakage.It may... Show Detail

    • No:7456
    • Date of Issue:2021/11/18 13:27
  • (SALD) Sampler, Troubleshooting

    Problem1:Photometric datashows abnormalities Cause1-1:Bubbles adhering tothe cell Corrective Action1-1: Clean the cell using the same type of solvent.S... Show Detail

    • No:7455
    • Date of Issue:2021/11/18 13:27
  • (SALD) Sampler, Tube Connecting

    Connect tubes. Fix the DRAIN and OVERFLOW tubes on the drain tank bytube clips. Part Number:016-02401-05Viton tube(black), 2m Part Number:339-89658-01F... Show Detail

    • No:7454
    • Date of Issue:2021/11/18 13:27
  • (SALD) Sampler, Cleaning of the sample bath

    WARNING: Never remove the main cover.Doing so may result in injury or malfunction. Part Number: 347-62086Sample bath seal 1. Release the lock nut o... Show Detail

    • No:7453
    • Date of Issue:2021/11/18 13:27
  • (SALD) Sampler, Cleaning of the flow cell

    Part Number(MS-75): 347-60976 Flow Cell (Quarz) Part Number(MS-75): 347-60981Flow Cell Seal Part Number(MS-23): 347-62167Flow cell(Quarz) Part... Show Detail

    • No:7452
    • Date of Issue:2021/11/18 13:27
  • (SALD) Sampler, Check of the tubes(leak check)

    Check that no solution sample is leaked from tubes, tube connector and flow cell before and after measurement. Should you spill any liquid sample, wipe it up... Show Detail

    • No:7451
    • Date of Issue:2021/11/18 13:27
  • (SALD) Check the Optical Axis

    NOTE: Exact measurement cannot be done if the optical axis is out off the position data (Diff) allowable range. Check before measurement. The optical ... Show Detail

    • No:7443
    • Date of Issue:2021/11/18 13:27
  • (SALD) Removing/Installing the Cell Holder

    Remove the cell from the cell holder before performing removal or attachment of the cell holder. Refer to the instruction manual of each option unit for how... Show Detail

    • No:7442
    • Date of Issue:2021/11/18 13:27
  • (SALD) Starting the Instrument

    1. Turn ON the power. The POWER indication lamp on the front of the instrumentwill light in green. 2. Let it warm up in this state for about 15... Show Detail

    • No:7441
    • Date of Issue:2021/11/18 13:27
  • (SALD) During a Power Outage

    Take the following measures in the event of a power outage. 1. Shut the power OFF by pressing the "Ο" symbol on the power switch, which is located on the ri... Show Detail

    • No:7440
    • Date of Issue:2021/11/18 13:27

21-30 of Total 31

This site uses the FAQ system "PKSHA FAQ", which is a product of PKSHA Communication Inc.