Frequently Referenced FAQ

FAQ within [ Multi type(ICPE) ]

21-23 of Total 23

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  • (ICPE) Waste Tank

    Be sure to use a chemically resistant waste tank because approx. 1 mL/min of sample isdischarged from the sample introduction system of the plasma stand afte... Show Detail

    • No:6719
    • Date of Issue:2021/07/28 09:58
  • (ICPE) Cleaning the Filter for the Mains Water Supply Con...

    NOTE: If the filter's integrated coupling (one-touch joint) is opened while the mainswater supply valve is open, the mains water will gush out, so be sure to... Show Detail

    • No:6718
    • Date of Issue:2021/07/27 16:17
  • (ICPE) Checking Operation of Safety Devices

    The operation of the safety devices used with the ICPE-9800 can be checked as describedbelow. Check the operation of the safety devices on a regular basis (e... Show Detail

    • No:6717
    • Date of Issue:2021/07/27 16:11

21-23 of Total 23

This site uses the FAQ system "PKSHA FAQ", which is a product of PKSHA Communication Inc.