Frequently Referenced FAQ

FAQ within [ Sequential type(ICPS) ]

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  • (ICPS) E1, E2, E3 error (Auto sampler: AS-9)

    E1: A moving erroe of X-axis E2: A moving erroe of Y-axis E3: A moving erroe of Z-axis If above error indication appeared, it is a movement erro... Show Detail

    • No:6787
    • Date of Issue:2021/08/19 10:14
  • (ICPS) Element spectrum intensity is high although blank

    ・Contamination of blank liquid ・Contamination of the torch ・Contamination of the chamber ・Rinsing time is short. Click here for "Check and Replacemen... Show Detail

    • No:6785
    • Date of Issue:2021/08/19 09:43
  • (ICPS) Condensation is found on the RF coil

    • Wipe off the water droplets with gauze or some otherappropriate material and ignite the plasma. • Checks that the installation location meets the installa... Show Detail

    • No:6783
    • Date of Issue:2021/08/19 09:40
    • Last Updated:2022/01/17 15:38
  • (ICPS) Low stability of spectrum intensity

    • The ICPSinstallation location does not meet requirements related to installation location or facilities. • One of the causes listed for problem "Spectrum ... Show Detail

    • No:6784
    • Date of Issue:2021/08/19 09:39
    • Last Updated:2022/01/18 09:51
  • (ICPS) Spectrum intensity much lowers.

    ・ Deposit adheres the tip of the nebulizer. ・ Deterioration of the nebulizer ・ Deterioration of the sample suction tube ・ Bubble is found into the sample ... Show Detail

    • No:6782
    • Date of Issue:2021/08/19 09:36
  • (ICPS) Action in Emergency

    1. Action in Emergency 1) If you do not have an enough time to stop the equipment following ordinary procedures,for example, in case of fire and earthq... Show Detail

    • No:6781
    • Date of Issue:2021/08/18 16:25
    • Brached FAQ
  • (ICPS) Stopping of Equipment

    1.Turning off of plasma 1) Inspire pure water for three to five minutes. This allows the sample suction tube, nebulizer, chamber and torch to be cle... Show Detail

    • No:6780
    • Date of Issue:2021/08/18 16:14
    • Brached FAQ
  • (ICPS) Starting Up of Equipment

    1.Supply of power to equipment 1) Turn ON the main breaker B1 (lift the lever). The pilot lamp S2is lit. 2) Turn ON (Press) the pump start switc... Show Detail

    • No:6778
    • Date of Issue:2021/08/18 16:10
    • Brached FAQ
  • (ICPS) Replacement of RF Power Fuse

    When the RF power generator fuse (F1 & F2) is blown, replace it following the procedures below. WARNING:You may get an electric shock.. Before starting op... Show Detail

    • No:6777
    • Date of Issue:2021/08/18 15:57
    • Brached FAQ
  • (ICPS) Cleaning of Condensing Lens

    If the condensing lens is used for a long time, its surface is contaminated, deteriorating transmittance. 1) Remove the stand top cover. 2) Pull... Show Detail

    • No:6774
    • Date of Issue:2021/08/18 15:30
    • Brached FAQ

1-10 of Total 18

This site uses the FAQ system "PKSHA FAQ", which is a product of PKSHA Communication Inc.