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Frequently Referenced FAQ

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  • (GCMS) Shutting Down the Instrument

    1. Shut down the vacuum system. 1) Click the Assistant Bar [Vacuum Control] icon to open the [Vacuum Control] dialog box. 2) Click the [Auto Shutdo... Show Detail

    • No:4758
    • Date of Issue:2021/01/12 10:14
  • (GCMS) Starting the Instrument

    This section explains how to start up and shut down an installed instrument. For instruments that do not have a CID, skip that section. 1. Turn on ... Show Detail

    • No:4756
    • Date of Issue:2021/01/12 10:11
    • Last Updated:2021/01/12 15:39
  • (GCMS) Basic knowledge of GC/MS analysis

    Click here for following Basic knowledge of GC/MS analysis. •What does m/z mean? •What are the measure­ment principles of MS? •Why are there d... Show Detail

    • No:4715
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/23 11:32
  • (GCMS) Chemical Ionization(CI, NCI) Reagent Gas Setup Pro...

    Parts Number: 225-07776-91 PLUG KIT (Used as a stop cock when no reagent gas is used.) 1. Automatically stop the GC/MS in GCMSsolution. Wait until t... Show Detail

    • No:4688
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/17 13:08
  • (GCMS) DI-2010 Operation Methods

    Parts Number: 225-04209 CAP(Cap for the DI-2010) 225-09344 SAMPLE VIAL 100 PC (DI-2010 standard accessories (10 pcs):Sample pot made of Pyrex) 225-0... Show Detail

    • No:4701
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/17 12:45
  • (GCMS) Daily Startup and Shutdown

    When the instrument is used daily, the vacuum system should be left running after each use rather than shutting down and restarting it so that the proper ana... Show Detail

    • No:4714
    • Date of Issue:2020/12/15 09:24
    • Brached FAQ

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This site uses the FAQ system "PKSHA FAQ", which is a product of PKSHA Communication Inc.